It's official! Axel turned 6 months old on October 23rd! Following his 6 month well child visit to the doctor (and some nasty shots), I am happy to report our boy is doing well! He weighed in at 17lbs. 5 oz. and is 25 1/2 inches long. Although he is a little short, he is doing great in his physical development. He is now sitting up (although he falls over occasionally) and is so close to crawling. Axel is also eating veggies now . . . well eating them might not be the word to use . . . it's more like he is wearing them! He is a very messy eater . . . just like his Daddy! Overall, he is a very healthy and happy boy!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
6 Months Old and Growing!
It's official! Axel turned 6 months old on October 23rd! Following his 6 month well child visit to the doctor (and some nasty shots), I am happy to report our boy is doing well! He weighed in at 17lbs. 5 oz. and is 25 1/2 inches long. Although he is a little short, he is doing great in his physical development. He is now sitting up (although he falls over occasionally) and is so close to crawling. Axel is also eating veggies now . . . well eating them might not be the word to use . . . it's more like he is wearing them! He is a very messy eater . . . just like his Daddy! Overall, he is a very healthy and happy boy!
Orcas Island Vacation
The family packed up for a weekend trip to Orcas Island (located in the San Juan Islands in the Strait of Juan de Fuca) to celebrate Jesse and Rachel's 5th wedding anniversary on October 25th. We took a beautiful ferry ride from Anacortes, Washington to Orcas Village, Washington. While on the island, we stayed in a cottage right on the beach with a spectacular view. We visited Moran State Park, Mount Constitution, and Eastsound village. Every morning and night, Jesse built a fire in our cabin and we enjoyed falling asleep and waking up to the sounds of the ocean. It was a very memorable trip.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Feed Me!!!
Axel has started eating solid foods! Cereal was a little weird at first with the new texture and eating method (he tries sucking the spoon like a bottle), but he is learning fast. He loves to try and help Mommy feed him by grabbing the spoon every chance he gets. By the end of each feeding session Axel is covered in cereal and oh so cute!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Do the Puyallup!
The family enjoyed a fun-filled day at the Puyallup Fair today! We went to the fair with our good friends, the Lees; Jeff, Laurie, Cambria, Avery and Caris. This is the 2nd year in a row we have gone to the fair with the Lees and we have decided to make it a yearly tradition! Axel saw cows and goats for the first time; the older kids/girls rode some rides; Rachel rode the train with Laurie and the girls; and Jesse rode a roller coaster with Jeff. We enjoyed BBQ, scones, cotton candy and slushies! It was a wonderful summer day at the fair!
Axel's 1st Vacation!
Axel had his first vacation at the beginning of the month which also meant his first plane ride! Rachel and Axel left home on August 30th to fly to Kansas City, Missouri to visit Nana, Papa, aunts, uncles, cousins and more. He is quite a good flyer, sleeping most of the flight. After a long day of traveling, Axel was exhausted and slept for 10 hours straight! The next day, he traveled to Kansas to meet his Aunt Tanya, Uncle Waide and cousins Caleb and Chloe. He met lots of family at a family BBQ on Labor Day and spent the week being spoiled by his Nana, Papa, Aunt Sarah and cousins, Hannah and Matthew. By the following Saturday, Axel really missed his daddy (more like daddy really missed Axel) and he and his mommy traveled back to Washington. It was a great vacation!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Already 4 Months Old!
Wow! It's hard to believe that 4 months have already passed since Axel entered our lives (well, technically 4 months on Saturday!). Axel has enriched our lives so much. We are constantly finding ourselves just staring at him in awe of the wonderful gift God has given us. We are also in awe of all the great things Axel can do. He is rolling over now-mostly from his back to his tummy. Rolling from tummy to back is a little hard yet, so he often gets stuck on his tummy and becomes a little frustrated. He is laughing and smiling so much and is really working on holding onto toys (although he is great at pulling Mommy's hair!). He had his 4 month check-up with the pediatrician today and he is right on track! He now weighs 14 pounds, 13 ounces; measures 25 1/4 inches long; and his head is 16 1/2 inches around! He is in the 50th percentile across the board. We are so proud of our little man!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Every Day is a New Adventure
Jesse and I are so excited to have a family page to share our life with family and friends. Now that we are a family of three with the addition of Axel in April 2008, we have so many new and exciting things to share. Each day brings us something new as Axel grows physically and mentally. He is learning so much and his personality is exploding. Axel is now 3 1/2 months old and we are loving every minute of him!
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